Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Reaction Time 1

Experimental Objectives:

  1. Observe the effect of learning and the effect of anticipating the stimulus delivery on reaction time.
  2. Compare reaction times in four stimulus-response situations:
    1. Fixed interval stimulus presentation using the dominant hand for the response.
    2. Random interval stimulus presentation using the dominant hand for the response.
    3. Fixed interval stimulus presentation using the nondominant hand for the response.
    4. Random interval stimulus presentation using the nondominant hand for the response.
  3. Compare the reaction times for groups of subjects by calculating the statistics of group mean, variance, and standard deviation in each of the four stimulus-response situations. 

    Subject presses hand with button after hearing a
    clicking sound.

    BioPac software records data of subject in a reaction& time graph

    Recorded data being analyzed by students with
    assistance from BioPac software.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

December 2, 2015
Electrooculogram (EOG) I
The experimental objective was to record and compare horizontal eye movements during real and simulated tracking of a pendulum. And to record and compare vertical eye movements during real and simulated tracking of a pun in the vertical plane. Finally, the subject's eye movements were recorded during reading three different ways: easy reading silently, challenging reading silently, and challenging reading aloud.