Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Electrocardiogram and Pulse Experiment

Experiment Objectives 
  • To become familiar with the principle of plethysmography and its usefulness in qualitatively assessing peripheral changes in blood volume.
  • To observe and record changes in peripheral blood volume and pressure pulse under a variety of both experimental and physiological conditions.
  • To determine the approximate speed of the pressure pulse wave traveling between the heart and the finger.
  • To illustrate the electrical activity associated with normal cardiac activity and how it relates to the flow of blood throughout the body. 
    Subject attached to Pulse Transducer (SS4L) 

    One Cardiac Cycle from subject's EKG/Pulse

    Participant records information onto the  BioPac Software 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Electrocardiography (ECG) 1

Lab Abstract and Objectives:

Research Director monitors participants as they record ECG
  • To become familiar with the electrocardiography as a primary tool for evaluating electrical events within the heart.
  • To correlate electrical events as displayed on the ECG with the mechanical events that occur during the cardiac cycle.
  • BioPac software being used to record heart activity on real time.
  • To observe rate and rhythm changes in the ECG associated with body position and breathing.
    Subject lies still as participants record heart activity.

Lab Abstract and Objectives:
  • EEG experiments were performed on live subjects.
  • Subjects were seated, relaxed with eyes closed, performing mental arithmetic, hyperventilation, and relaxed with eyes opened.
  • Brain waves were analyzed.
Participants proceed with EGG on live subject.